Saturday, August 3, 2013

Medium: Oil on  Canvas
Price on Request

Description: A different level psycho mind to be precise Schizophrenia!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This Painting still living Inside of me !

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  4. There are some pictures which will haunt you like anything.. Here is something that has been haunting me for the past few days. They say that your face reflects your mind, but I would say that you can mask the thoughts of your mind and show a different expression in your face. An artist is a perfect example of this statement. Even if he is a Kadhakali artist or a Joker(clown), he is not supposed to reflect his feelings..rather he is supposed to bring expression on his face which completely masks his mental condition. Here we have something that's a combination of 2 poles providing you the beauty of insanity... My favrit pic
